Thursday, February 4, 2010

PAN - PRD alliance talks progressing in Quintana Roo

The leaders of the partidos Acción Nacional, (PAN), and Sergio Rosado Bolio Democratic Revolution (PRD), Rafael Quintanar, they all highlighted great potential to realize a short-term electoral alliance with the Partido del Trabajo and the Convergencia Democrática for the July elections.

Quintana Roo is one of the strongholds of the PRI's most coveted by the opposition, not only because it is one of the windows of Mexico to the world, but because its tourism industry generates almost 10 percent of GDP and is the leading provider of fresh currency to the federal coffers.

The PAN and PRD leaders gathered for a convivial on February 2nd to share tamales on Candlemas Day, also separately interviewed agreed that the end of March will be able to establish a strategic agreement and launch their campaigns.

For the opposition it is clear that an electoral pact will be a condition of survival in the elections for governor, congressmen, mayors and aldermen in July, especially after the latest survey results Mitofski, which adjudicates the PRI advantage of 51 percent compared to 17 percent of the PAN and the PRD eleven percent.


Posted via email from Cancun Mexico News

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