Monday, December 7, 2009

Cancun’s Beach Recovery Project Continues With Great Progress

There’s already a very noticeable advance in the project
Cancun, Quintana Roo, December 4th, 2009- Cancun - known for the majestic beauty of its shoreline-, has successfully begun the beach recovery project with an investment of more than USD $71 million dollars ($957 million pesos), throughout the state of Quintana Roo.

The project began on September 4th, 2009 with the delivery of more than two thousand tons of pipeline material to Cancun; the project will deliver 1.3 billion gallons (6.1 million cubic meters) of sand to replenish Cancun’s Hotel Zone seashore.

Although the project has endured some unforeseen delays, due to weather conditions, the venture resumed on November 15th and continues with great advancement, already creating a very noticeable difference.
As of December 1st, 2009, more than 227,020 gallons (1’191,550 cubic meters) had been poured onto 1.28 miles (2,047 meters) of Cancun’s beaches. This represents a 23% advance for the whole project.


Posted via web from Cancun Mexico News

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